Tina Figurelli, Executive Director of Birth Haven receiving Check from Joseph Ozoniak PGK of Knights of Columbus Council #5510
Joseph Ozoniak, P.G.K of the Knights of Columbus Council #5510 had the privilege to present a donation to Tina Figurelli, Executive Director of Birth Haven Shelter and home. As chairman of this “Baby Bottle” yearly drive which starts on Mother’s Day and ends on Father’s day, Joe decided, “it’s a must” to help the unborn.
The Knights of Columbus fundraiser run by Joe Ozoniak is called a Baby Bottle Drive because we distributed baby bottles during the weekend Masses at St Thomas the Apostle Church in Oak Ridge, NJ and asked each family to take a baby bottle home and return it with their spare change and cash donations. The generous parishioners responded of which the Knights are very grateful.
This year the Parish of Saint Thomas in Oak Ridge, NJ stepped up and filled baby bottles with change and checks to bring the Fund drive to a successful $2050.90. Joe can’t thank Father Matt, of St Thomas the Apostle Church and the parish enough for allowing the Knight’s to help this worthy cause. Joe said, “We are so grateful that the parish supports this drive. It is an active way as Christians to help the unborn children. We must continue to give young woman an option other than abortion. I wish other Knights councils would step up and hold some type of fund drive to help Tina Figurelli with the home’s wish list.”
Birth Haven is an independent, nonsectarian, non-profit organization that provides shelter, support, and education for homeless, pregnant women and girls, established in 1985. Birth Haven woman do receive state aide, but the House is totally dependent on donations to keep the house in repair and compliant to all state requirements.
If you would like to learn more about Birth Haven check out their website: https://birthhaven.ipower.com/
Mr. Ozoniak again is grateful to all who helped in this year’s drive.