Knights of Columbus support Campaign for Father English Food Pantry

The Joseph. F. Lamb Council #5510 from Oak Ridge, led by GK Dan Cioffi, have made a 5 Year Pledge to Catholic Charities/Diocese of Paterson, for them to rebuild the Father English Food Pantry in Paterson. The help in revitalizing the Food Pantry will extend their Services, offer more to the Communities, and provide state of the art support to those most in need for decades to come.

Pictured below is, Catholic Charities CEO, Scott Milliken accepting the first $1,000 check presented by Treasurer, Bill Johnson and Financial Secretary, Jim Zajdel, on behalf of the Council.

Knights Present Check to Department for Persons with Disabilities

The Joseph F. Lamb Council 5510 of the Knights of Columbus of Milton-Oak Ridge from their efforts in the drive for “Intellectual and Development Disabilities” were able to make a $3,500 donation to the Department for Persons with Disabilities.

Presenting the check to Scott M. MPA Chief Executive Officer Catholic Charities Diocese of Paterson by Grand Knight Vito A. with Jim Z. (Chairperson), also in the picture Joanna M., Richard G. and Richard H. (in the back) from the Columbus House.

A special Thanks to those who volunteered their time including Dan M., Vito A., Bill J., Jim T., Deacon Jim, Dan C., Fred. M., Mike M., George D., Nick C and Bob A, and Jim Z.

The residents of the local Department of Persons with Disabilities facility on Weldon Road, commonly known as Weigand Farms, provides residential, vocational, spiritual, and social services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

The Knights of Columbus would like to thanks all those that made a donation and for your generosity and a special thanks to Jim Z. for chairing the event.



Tommy Lynn Diamond in


The Joseph F. Lamb Knights of Columbus Council #5510 is hosting a Neil Diamond impersonator performance of ONE HOT NIGHT!

The date is Saturday, June 17, 2023, at St. Thomas the Apostle R.C. Church’s hall located at 5635 Berkshire Valley Road, Milton/Oak Ridge doors open at 6:00 p.m., Dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the ticket price is $35.00/ person. Included with your ticket price is Dinner, your choice of Fish or Chicken & Chips & the Show. Refreshments will be available and this is a BYOB event.


CALL: VITO: 973-545-2288 or



PO BOX 2624



Persons with Disabilities-DPD Drive 2022

Hello Brothers,

I wanted to give everyone the Results of our Fund Drive last weekend, for the, ”Persons with Disabilities”-DPD. Overall it was a big success !

First, THANK YOU, to All the Town people and ST. Thomas Parishioners, that were so generous and Donated Funds. Thank you also to the Business’s in Town, Lox, Stock and Bagel, Ding Dong Deli, Dunkin Donuts, and Frank’s Pizza. As well a Thank you to Father Ben and Father Dawid, for letting us stand outside after the Masses.

A BIG THANK YOU, to the Brothers who signed up to collect. We had a few who were “under the weather”, but we made it work. Especially, Jim Tarsitano, Vito Addotta, Dane Massaro, Al Nicol,George DeVito, Walter Endlicher, Mike Murphy, Dan Cioffi, Dan McCartney, Bill Johnson, Fred M., and Nick C..

Our Grand Total collected this year was, $3,850.17 ! (A last minute Donation from Fred, at tonight’s meeting. ) A little over $600 more raised than last year.

We started off with Generous Donations of $100 from Past GK Rick Hazard and a $200 donation from long time Member, Carl Johnson. Thank you both!

On Friday afternoon/evening we started at the Oak Ridge Rd. Jug handle and raised $1508. All of the donations outside the business went very well, and the Parishioners of St. Thomas donated $675 over the 3 Masses!

Thank you, Thank You again, for ALL that contributed and worked, to raise funds for our Friendsat DPD, as it is appreciated. In the next few weeks, I will send the Funds to the State K of C, who will take their share, and then send us back a Check, to donate to DPD.

Stay Well and Healthy, and God Bless.


Jim Z.


Nominated Officers Effective July 1, 2022

The Nominating Committee. has meet, and we would like to announce the NEW Slate of Officers, we propose for the Fraternal Year, starting July 1, 2022.

OFFICE                      New 2022/2023

GK                              Vito Addotta

DGK                           Dan Cioffi

Warden                      George DeVito

Chancellor                  Al Nicol

Recorder                    Jim Tarsitano

Treasurer                    Bill Johnson

Advocate                    Nick Cokinos

Inside Guard               Walter Endlicher

Outside Guard            Enrique Vivas

Trustee-1YR.              Mike Murphy,PGK

Trustee-2YR.              Tony Roskowsky-PGK

Trustee-3YR.              Joe O’Donnell-PGK

Appointed by GK:

Chaplin-                       Father Foley

Spiritual Advisor-         Deacon Jim

Financial Secretary-   Jim Zajdel-PGK, Appointed by Supreme

Our Elections for New Officers will be held on, Thursday- June 2,2022 at our Council meeting.

*Any “Dues paying Member”, can be Nominated from the floor, for any Elected position.

Please contact myself or any member of the Nominating Comm., with any questions.

Thank you.

Vivat Jesus,

Fred McMenamin, Vito Addotta, Jim Zajdel

Knights of Columbus Community Yard Sale

The Joseph F. Lamb Council 5510 of the Knights of Columbus of Milton-Oak Ridge will be holding It’s Spring and it’s time to for Spring Cleaning. With that in mind the Joseph F. Lamb Council 5510 of the Knights of Columbus of Milton-Oak Ridge will be holding a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, May 14 9am to 4pm (Rain Date May21) at the St. Thomas the Apostle Church parking lot located at 5635 Berkshire Valley Road in Oak Ridge, NJ. Table space is available for sellers and there will be plenty of items for shopper. Table Space will be $25 and you can rent a table for an additional $5 (Number of rentable tables are limited). No admission fee to buyers. You can call Dan at 201-370-0339 to make an early reservation for your table space.

Knights Donate Gift to Wiegand Farms

Thanks to the support and generosity of our Council, PGK Fred McMenamin  presented a Christmas gift to the Residents and staff of Columbus House. Scott Milliken, MPA CEO Catholic Charities Diocese of Paterson sent his thanks to the Knights for the donation. It was an electric Mixer/Blender that they all can benefit from.

Christmas Raffle

Jim Zajdel wants to give a Big THANK YOU, to All the Brothers, Sellers, Buyers and ALL, for making this Fundraiser a Big Success !

We ended up selling 1,186 Tickets !   31 members participated, with Ticket purchases and Donations coming in from Members Locally, and from Delaware, North Carolina, PA., Florida, and Arizona !

A big Thank you to all the members who Bought and sold tickets, and especially to these guys, who stood outside our local business in the Cold some weekends.  Fred M., Deacon Jim, Jim Tarsitano, Vito A., Mike Murphy, Dan McCartney, and my Co- Chair- Bill Johnson.

Also would like to Thank the Parishioners of St. Thomas for their support, for Father Ben who promoted and let us sell tickets after Mass.  As well, a big Thanks to, Lox, Stock & Bagel, the Ding Dong Deli, and Dunkin Donuts, for letting us stand outside their business many weekends

For all these efforts we ended up raising, $4,872 in proceeds, to benefit our local and various charities ! We can now Help various people in need, during these tough times.

The winners were : 

James Perry from Sparta who won 1st Prize.

Jake Seakan from Stockholm who won 2nd Prize.

Slate of New Officers for Fraternal Year 2019-2020

The Elections was held on Thursday, JUNE 6, 2019

New slate of Officers for Fraternal Year, starting on July 1, 2019 :

Grand Knight- Joe  O’Donnell
Deputy Grand Knight- Lou Schnackenberg
Chancellor- Vito Adotta
Warden- Frank Punturieri
Treasurer- Bill Johnson
Recorder- George DeVito
Advocate- Bob Simpson- PGK
Inside Guard- Nick Cokinos
Outside Guard- Tom Klein
Trustee- 3 yr- Mike Murphy- PGK
Trustee- 2 yr.- Rick Hazard- PGK
Trustee- 1 yr.-Jack Schaffhauser-PGK

Non-Voting appointments :

Chaplin- Father Dawid Zajecki
Spiritual Advisor- Deacon Jim Cammarano
Financial Secretary-(Appointed by Supreme) Jim Zajdel-PGK


2018 Gift Card Raffle Winners

The winners for our Gift card raffle.  Congratulations to our Winners !

1st Prize- Brother Bob Petrone – St. John’s council
2nd Prize- Brother Joe Miller- DD
3rd Prize- Bob Conway from Oak Ridge.

Thank you to our GK- Tony for organizing it, and to ALL the embers who sold tickets in the Cold, and bought and sold tickets to the public.

Rosary Prayer for America

America Needs the Rosary – The Rosary is an old prayer that is always new, leading us to Jesus through Mary. The Blessed Mother urged everyone to pray the Rosary during her apparitions at Fatima, Portugal. She called herself the “Lady of the Rosary” and promised that the Rosary would help people grow in their faith, convert sinners, and bring about world peace. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary will be celebrated on October 13 at 12 Noon, when all are invited to meditate upon the mysteries of Christ at St. Thomas the Apostle Church. 

Knights of Columbus Blood Drive


The Knights of Columbus Joseph F Lamb Council will be holding a Blood Drive on Friday, February2nd from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Saint Thomas the Apostle Church 5635 Berkshire Valley Road. Oak Ridge, New Jersey 07438.

Donating blood is a simple, selfless gift of life that helps ensure a sustained and secure blood supply for all people. While most people expect blood to be available if they should ever need it, only a fraction of those who can give blood really do.  blooddrive

Most adults can give blood according to general guidelines for donation, a person must be in good general health, be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and not have donated blood in the last 56 days. Prior to donating blood, each donor will undergo a brief examination to measure temperature, blood pressure and red blood cell count.

Blood is always needed and it is important for those who can donate to do so.

For more information on donating blood during the blood drive, please call George at  973-715-3622.



Please join the “2017 Public Square Rosary Rally”on March 18, 2017 at 12:00 noon sharp in front of the St. Thomas the Apostle Church at 5635 Berkshire Valley Rd, Oak Ridge, NJ.

The “2017 Public Square Rosary Rally” is sponsored by America Needs Fatima. The campaign is to capture the hearts and souls of America with the message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady appeared at Fatima to three children with a message of warning and hope for humanity. If the world did not convert, the Blessed Mother said there would be much suffering, famines and wars. To avert such disasters, Our Lady asked for prayer.

On March 18, 2017 at 12:00 noon there will be rallies across the United States that will meet and pray the Rosary for America. There will be over 3,000 rallies being held throughout the United States. Please join us in offering reparation for sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to fervently pray for Traditional Marriage and for the conversion of the United States.

The Miracle of the sun occurred on Oct. 13, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal with over 70,000 witnesses and many nonbelievers converted. The Public Square Rally will remind the person on the street that conversion is still possible.


Dinner with Dino-“That’s Amore”

TICKETS ON SALE NOW for April 22nd and get your dancing shoes on!

The Joseph F. Lamb Knights of Columbus Council #5510 is hosting its Second Annual Dinner Show!  This year’s event will be “Dinner with Dino!”  As 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Dean Martin’s birth, what better way to celebrate than having a tribute show dedicated to the live music Martin made famous during his career?  There will be food and dancing and fun for all and it’s a BYOB event!

The date is Saturday, April 22, 2017, the doors at St. Thomas the Apostle R.C. Church’s  hall located at 5635 Berkshire Valley Road, Milton/Oak Ridge open at 6:30 p.m., and the ticket price is $23.50 per person. Included in your ticket price is dinner, dessert, and beverages (soda, water, coffee, and tea) as well as an evening of the music of Dean Martin performed by Dave DeLuca.

Food catered by Portofino’s Restaurant and the Buffet Menu includes: Salad,  Pasta Bolognese, Chicken Francese, w/potatoes and mushrooms, Loin of Pork, Rolls/butter.

 A New Jersey native,  Dave DeLuca is an accomplished singer, songwriter, musician, and recording engineer who has been performing for over 40 years. In this one-man show “That’s Amore,”  DeLuca imitates Martin’s relaxed, warbling crooning voice as he performs signature songs such as Memories Are Made of This, Everybody Loves Somebody, You’re Nobody ‘ till Somebody Loves You, Sway, Volare, Ain’t That a Kick in the Head, and That’s Amore.

Dean Martin was nicknamed the King of Cool for his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assuredness, he and Jerry Lewis were partners in the internationally acclaimed comedy team Martin and Lewis, and he was a member of Frank Sinatra’s Rat Pack as well as a star in concert, recordings, motion pictures, and television.

Last year, the K of C’s Dinner with Sinatra event was a huge success; and this show Dinner with Dino will be even better so be sure to make your reservation early! Advance ticket sales only! For more information and tickets call Fred at 973-697-5998 or George at 973-715-3622.

Joe Ozoniak, PGK visits Brother Knight Ken Cobliegh

Joe with Ken

Ken and Joe


Ken & Eileen’s Home in North Carolina

Ken with Wife Eileeen

Ken with Wife Eileeen

Joe Ozoniak, PGK visit Ken Colbiegh  in North Carolina, and took a few pictures of the Marine, and his wife Eileen. Ken lives like Trump in a mansion!

Ken just retired in January. He was working for a hospital in Greensboro. Good thing because he needed to have 5 stints to his heart. He also wanted everyone to know he thinks of the council and says hello to all.

Ken from All of Us, You look great and we miss you!

Ken with Wife Eileen

Ken with Wife Eileen

Knights of Columbus Council #5510 Birth Haven Fund Drive

Tina Figurelli, Executive Director of Birth Haven receiving Check from Joseph Ozoniak PGK  of Knights of Columbus Council #5510

Tina Figurelli, Executive Director of Birth Haven receiving Check from Joseph Ozoniak PGK of Knights of Columbus Council #5510

Joseph Ozoniak, P.G.K of the Knights of Columbus Council #5510 had the privilege to present a donation to Tina Figurelli, Executive Director of Birth Haven Shelter and home. As chairman of this “Baby Bottle” yearly drive which starts on Mother’s Day and ends on Father’s day, Joe decided, “it’s a must” to help the unborn.

The Knights of Columbus fundraiser run by Joe Ozoniak is called a Baby Bottle Drive because we distributed baby bottles during the weekend Masses at St Thomas the Apostle Church in Oak Ridge, NJ and asked each family to take a baby bottle home and return it with their spare change and cash donations. The generous parishioners responded of which the Knights are very grateful.

This year the Parish of Saint Thomas in Oak Ridge, NJ stepped up and filled baby bottles with change and checks to bring the Fund drive to a successful $2050.90. Joe can’t thank Father Matt, of St Thomas the Apostle Church and the parish enough for allowing the Knight’s to help this worthy cause. Joe said, “We are so grateful that the parish supports this drive. It is an active way as Christians to help the unborn children. We must continue to give young woman an option other than abortion. I wish other Knights councils would step up and hold some type of fund drive to help Tina Figurelli with the home’s wish list.”

Birth Haven is an independent, nonsectarian, non-profit organization that provides shelter, support, and education for homeless, pregnant women and girls, established in 1985. Birth Haven woman do receive state aide, but the House is totally dependent on donations to keep the house in repair and compliant to all state requirements.

If you would like to learn more about Birth Haven check out their website:

Mr. Ozoniak again is grateful to all who helped in this year’s drive.


Our Knight of the Year

DCF 1.0

The 2015-2016 Knight  of the Year for our Council was awarded to George DeVito by GK Charlie Miele. George’s enthusiasm and involvement in so many of the Council’s activities over the year made him the obvious choice. Being humble George said all we did this year was done with teamwork.

On every team there is an MVP! Congratulations George!