Nominated Officers Effective July 1, 2022

The Nominating Committee. has meet, and we would like to announce the NEW Slate of Officers, we propose for the Fraternal Year, starting July 1, 2022.

OFFICE                      New 2022/2023

GK                              Vito Addotta

DGK                           Dan Cioffi

Warden                      George DeVito

Chancellor                  Al Nicol

Recorder                    Jim Tarsitano

Treasurer                    Bill Johnson

Advocate                    Nick Cokinos

Inside Guard               Walter Endlicher

Outside Guard            Enrique Vivas

Trustee-1YR.              Mike Murphy,PGK

Trustee-2YR.              Tony Roskowsky-PGK

Trustee-3YR.              Joe O’Donnell-PGK

Appointed by GK:

Chaplin-                       Father Foley

Spiritual Advisor-         Deacon Jim

Financial Secretary-   Jim Zajdel-PGK, Appointed by Supreme

Our Elections for New Officers will be held on, Thursday- June 2,2022 at our Council meeting.

*Any “Dues paying Member”, can be Nominated from the floor, for any Elected position.

Please contact myself or any member of the Nominating Comm., with any questions.

Thank you.

Vivat Jesus,

Fred McMenamin, Vito Addotta, Jim Zajdel